Hello World!

Welcome to My Website

My name is Ayanna Kosoko. I am a Student for Life, Software Engineer, Web Developer, and Technician.

About Me

As a Computer Science Student at Emory University, I have acquired many skills and gained many life changing experiences. My interest in data and technology has taken me from research in Costa Rica and learning simplified mandarin to computer science programing. My passion for understanding and researching people, strong commitment to teamwork and service, and interest in technological advancements, has allowed me to acquire a pelthora of well rounded skills.

languages: Java, Html5, CSS3, Javascript, Assembly language, C, Swift, PHP, XML, JSON.

What I've Done

Everything I have engaged in so far has all been driven by my keen interest in research. Most recently, I traveled abroad to Hiroshima, Japan with a team of students. As a team, we worked together to affectively communicate with Japanese volunteers and bomb victims through translation, and in the process we were able to research the affects that the Atomic Bomb had on their culture. Even as a computer science major, I dedicate my time to researching how technological improvements can affect societies. It is this passion that has driven my interest in learning and working with different programming languages, platforms, and operating systems.

What I do

I am currently immersing myself in the world of coding. As I do so I am engaging in various hacakathons and sides projects. As I get through my own personal coding journey, I want to expose and encourage others; in doing I am strongly active in multiple community programming organizes such as Girl Develop It, 100 Girls of Code, Black Girls Code and Women Who Code.

Just trying to make a difference in the world a line of code at a time.


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